Bat/Bar Mitzvah Calendar

Here at Ann & Nate Levine Academy, we keep a dedicated calendar of all B'nai Mitzvot in order to both facilitate in-school B'nai Mitzvot services, as well as avoid conflicts within the same grade as best as possible. We do understand that dates are constantly moving and being changed due to unforeseen circumstances. 

If you have not yet sent us your child's B'nai Mitzvah Information, please use the following form to fill out the details of your service. This will be helpful for both scheduling your in-school service and for parents to schedule their outside B'nai Mitzvah celebrations.

Please check the current B'nai Mitzvah Calendar link below:

If you notice your child's name is not on the list or the information we have regarding the B'nai Mitzvah is incorrect, please email me at to update our records. If you have not yet determined your B'nai Mitzvah date, and your student's B'nai Mitzvah is not during the 2023-2024 school year, that is okay too -- you still have plenty of time.

Information needed:

  • Name of Synagogue
  • Date of Synagogue Service
  • Torah Portion
  • Date of Party

For the in-school celebration/service, you can request a Monday or Thursday service.

Mazel Tov to you and your families in advance,


Rabbi Michael Katzman
Dean of K8 Judaic Curriculum and Benchmarks
B'nai Mitzvah Coordinator