Maya Rothstein('22)

In this week's parsha, final details of the Tabernacle were finished. The priestly clothing is finished and given to the Cohanim to wear. The Tabernacle is completed and a cloud of smoke appears above it to show that Hashem is now dwelling there.

Moses takes oil to anoint the Cohanim as priests. This parsha lets us know that even if we can’t see Hashem, He’s still there. For some people, it is hard to believe in something they can't see, especially this generation of Jewish people. I can relate to this because sometimes I forget that we're praying to someone. After all, at Levine, we've prayed every day and sometimes, according to how we could be feeling, it might seem foreign. But then after I look at the Torah and I remember that Hashem is always there, we just can't see Him.